Mokate is a renowned family-owned company, part of a larger group that has been in operation since 1900. Based in the UK, Mokate specializes in the production and distribution of fine coffees, teas, hot chocolates, and complementary products like cookies. Their extensive product range includes everything from frothy cappuccinos to refreshing iced coffees, as well as a wide variety of teas under the Loyd brand. Mokate is committed to quality, sourcing the finest ingredients and using state-of-the-art production facilities to serve customers in the UK and beyond.
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Exhibitor Contact
4 Redheughs Rigg, Westpoint, South Gyle, EH12 9DQ Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Mokate is a renowned family-owned company, part of a larger group that has been in operation since 1900. Based in the UK, Mokate specializes in the production and distribution of fine coffees, teas, hot chocolates, and complementary products like cookies. Their extensive product range includes everything from frothy cappuccinos to refreshing iced coffees, as well as a wide variety of teas under the Loyd brand. Mokate is committed to quality, sourcing the finest ingredients and using state-of-the-art production facilities to serve customers in the UK and beyond.