LLC "TERRUS" is a Russian company involved in the import and distribution of agricultural machinery and equipment. In 2021, the company imported machinery primarily from China, with a total import value of $1, 362, 772. The main products imported fall under the category of other agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping, or bee-keeping machinery, including germination plant fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment.
Exhibitor Contact
119002, Moscow, Smolensky Boulevard, 24 bldg. 2, room 1/3/3, Russia
LLC "TERRUS" is a Russian company involved in the import and distribution of agricultural machinery and equipment. In 2021, the company imported machinery primarily from China, with a total import value of $1, 362, 772. The main products imported fall under the category of other agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping, or bee-keeping machinery, including germination plant fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment.