Proper freezing and chilling techniques help ensure final product quality meets stringent standards and meets consumer texture and taste preferences. Cryogenic freezing is an extremely efficient way of preserving the quality of high-value food products. This can give food processors a significant point of difference for the frozen food products they bring to market while maintaining manufacturing efficiencies. Linde’s CRYOLINE® CVT cryovantage tunnel freezer (on the show floor) gives food processors the power to time things perfectly to prevent over- or under-freezing. By the end of the day, with cryogenic freezing and chilling technologies, you end up with products that are easier to handling, pack and deliver optimal appearance.”
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7000 High Grove Blvd Burr Ridge, IL 60527 United States of America
Proper freezing and chilling techniques help ensure final product quality meets stringent standards and meets consumer texture and taste preferences. Cryogenic freezing is an extremely efficient way of preserving the quality of high-value food products. This can give food processors a significant point of difference for the frozen food products they bring to market while maintaining manufacturing efficiencies. Linde’s CRYOLINE® CVT cryovantage tunnel freezer (on the show floor) gives food processors the power to time things perfectly to prevent over- or under-freezing. By the end of the day, with cryogenic freezing and chilling technologies, you end up with products that are easier to handling, pack and deliver optimal appearance.”