Krystal Farm Fresh, a startup under the renowned Krystal Group, specializes in processing, supplying, and exporting dehydrated onions, garlic, vegetables, groundnut kernels, and Indian spices. The company also offers high-quality fresh onions, and raisins. With over two decades of experience, Krystal Farm Fresh operates production facilities in Gujarat and Maharashtra, regions known for cultivating premium onions and garlic. The company adheres to international food safety standards, utilizing world-class technology to ensure product quality and safety.
Exhibitor Contact
RS No. 195/1, Morangi, Rajula, Amreli - 365565, Gujarat, India
Krystal Farm Fresh, a startup under the renowned Krystal Group, specializes in processing, supplying, and exporting dehydrated onions, garlic, vegetables, groundnut kernels, and Indian spices. The company also offers high-quality fresh onions, and raisins. With over two decades of experience, Krystal Farm Fresh operates production facilities in Gujarat and Maharashtra, regions known for cultivating premium onions and garlic. The company adheres to international food safety standards, utilizing world-class technology to ensure product quality and safety.