“Bulletin of the Agro-Industrial Complex” is a specialized information and analytical magazine published since 2011. The publication covers in detail current trends in the Russian agro-industrial complex, publishing interviews, analytical materials, reviews and essays covering all areas of the agro-industrial complex. The magazine is the official information platform of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and actively participates in key agro-industrial exhibitions and forums.
Exhibitor Contact
Rostov-on-Don, st. B. Sadovaya, 162/70, Business Center "Aristocrat", 4th floor
“Bulletin of the Agro-Industrial Complex” is a specialized information and analytical magazine published since 2011. The publication covers in detail current trends in the Russian agro-industrial complex, publishing interviews, analytical materials, reviews and essays covering all areas of the agro-industrial complex. The magazine is the official information platform of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and actively participates in key agro-industrial exhibitions and forums.