Exhibiting at Vietstock ..Vietstock 2024 Expo & Forum
SECC,..SECC, Ho Chi Minh City
9 Oct - 11 Oct, 2024
Breeders o...
agriculture, animal breeding
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Company Type
animal breeding
Product Categories
animal genetics
Product Items
Danish Landrace Pigs
Danish Yorkshire Pigs
Danish Duroc Pigs
F1 (LY/YL) Gilts
Frozen Semen
Company Overview
Breeders of Denmark A/S is a leading company in pig breeding, specializing in the supply of high-performance breeding pigs worldwide. Established in 2001, the company provides pure-bred Danish Landrace, Yorkshire, Duroc, and cross-bred F1 gilts for sow and slaughterpig production. With a focus on advanced genetics through its partnership with Danish Pig Genetics P/S, Breeders of Denmark also offers management consulting and specialized animal transportation services to ensure the health and productivity of the pigs. They serve clients globally, enhancing genetic value and returns on investment for pig farmers.
Breeders of Denmark A/S is a leading company in pig breeding, specializing in the supply of high-performance breeding pigs worldwide. Established in 2001, the company provides pure-bred Danish Landrace, Yorkshire, Duroc, and cross-bred F1 gilts for sow and slaughterpig production. With a focus on advanced genetics through its partnership with Danish Pig Genetics P/S, Breeders of Denmark also offers management consulting and specialized animal transportation services to ensure the health and productivity of the pigs. They serve clients globally, enhancing genetic value and returns on investment for pig farmers.