
Exhibiting at Great Lakes Expo 2024

Booth 1318
DeVos Place, Grand Rapids, Michigan
10 Dec - 12 Dec, 2024

Product Offerings

Product Categories:

Biological Pest Control Agents, Natural Pollination Services


BUGFLOW Application System, Bumblebee Hives for Natural Pollination, Phytoseiulus persimilis (BioPersi+), Steinernema feltiae (nemaplus® Depot)

BioBee is a global leader in biologically based integrated pest management (IPM), Founded in 1983 at Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu in Israel, agriculture, aiming to reduce chemical pesticide use and promote sustainable farming practices. :contentReference[oaicite:0]{index=0}, and Medfly control. BioBee USA, and beneficial nematodes, and the cannabis industry. The company specializes in the mass production and implementation of beneficial organisms, environmentally friendly agricultural solutions to the United States, established in 2017, extends these innovative, including predatory mites, natural pollination, parasitic wasps, predatory insects, serving growers in horticulture