
Exhibiting at Packprocess 2024

A23 / Hall 1
Egypt International Exhibition Center
3 Dec - 5 Dec, 2024

Product Offerings

Product Categories:

Packaging Technology, Sustainability, Packaging Education, WPO is an international Organization, Consulting and Professional Services


Waste Stream Mapping, Conferences, Sustainability Programs, Educational Webinars, Sustainability Initiatives, Global Packaging Awards, Packaging Awards and Recognition, Packaging Education and Training, Packaging Education Programs, Marketing Support, Global Packaging Standards Development, Food Safety Guidelines

The World Packaging Organization (WPO) is a non-profit, non-governmental international federation founded in 1968 in Tokyo. It consists of national packaging institutes, associations, regional packaging federations, and other interested parties. The organization aims to promote the development of packaging technology, science, and engineering, stimulate packaging skills, and encourage communication regarding packaging technology and achievements. The WPO is involved in global packaging education, sustainability, food safety, and innovation initiatives. It also organizes the prestigious WorldStar Packaging Awards to recognize excellence in packaging globally.