Product Offerings
Product Categories:
Food Additives and Ingredients, Packaging
Custom Flavor Solutions, Dry Blends, Liquid Compounding, Custom Packaging Solutions
Food Additives and Ingredients, Packaging
Custom Flavor Solutions, Dry Blends, Liquid Compounding, Custom Packaging Solutions
Wixon Inc., founded in 1907, is a leading manufacturer specializing in custom taste and flavor solutions for the food, beverage, and nutrition industries. The company offers a range of innovative flavor technologies, including their Mag-nifique™ and Wix-Fresh™ solutions, designed to enhance taste and mask off-notes in products. Wixon serves various sectors, such as meat and poultry, snacks, beverages, dairy, and nutritional products. With a commitment to sustainability, quality, and customer satisfaction, Wixon operates state-of-the-art manufacturing and packaging facilities in St. Francis, WI.