Company Overview
ZUZA Co. Ltd. is the producer of Zuza Sparkling Water, a unique beverage that combines sparkling water with real Thai fruit, free from added sugars and artificial sweeteners. Founded by three Harvard University graduates, the company aims to provide a refreshing and healthy drink that celebrates the natural flavors of Thailand. Zuza Sparkling Water offers a guilt-free hydration experience, emphasizing quality and natural ingredients sourced locally from Thailand.
Target Market: Australia, China, India, Japan, Middle East, New Zealand, Others - Oceania, South East Asia
Sales Channel: Bakery, Café, Catering, Department Store, Food Delivery, Hotel & Resort, Importer, Mail Order, Manufacturers, Online Shop, Restaurants, Retailer, Supermarket, Wholesaler
Specialisation: Clean Label, Functional & Free-From Products, Ready-to-eat Products