Company Overview
Erad United Trading Co. (Eradco), founded in 1983 (1402H)for integrated agricultural supplies. The company’s trading portfolio includes Importing and marketing• Compound and straight fertilizers in soluble and granular forms.• Outdoor and indoor seeds including organic seeds.• Agricultural pesticides including : Insecticides Fungicides, Herbicides• Public health pesticides and its equipments, and Veterinary products..Eradco SubsidiariesKhairat Agri Al-khairat Modern Agricultural Co. founded in 1988 for modern operation & Management of Agricultural farms - using our vast know- how to produce and market vegetable specialties, flowering pots, nursery and indoor plants. kasrChem Gulf Palace Fertilizers Co. Founded in 2002 For production of a wide range of different types of fertilizers includes, NPK’s soluble fertilizers, suspension & liquid fertilizers, growing media and plant bio-stimulants.