Connect with third. Brynner and Sons Ltd at ISRAFOOD 2024
Exhibiting at ISRAFOOD 2..ISRAFOOD 2024
Expo ..Expo Tel Aviv
26 Nov - 28 Nov, 2024
third. Bry...
Equipment Manufacturing, Consulting Services
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Company Type
Equipment Manufacturing
Consulting Services
Product Categories
Food Processing Machines and Equipment
Product Items
Rubber seals
heat marking seals
wax seals
notary seals
stencils and tags
concrete and food marking
security seals
printers for production lines
electronic seals and manual marking devices
drive and marking solutions
Company Overview
Company C. Brynner and Sons Ltd. was founded in Poland in 1895. In 1938, the son of the company's founder, G. Brynner, moved its activities to Tel Aviv. In 2016, the company moved to its new offices in Petah Tikva. Today, he manages the company Avner Brynner, who is considered a world-renowned expert in the field of stamps and marking and stamping devices in the business, industrial, military, government and private markets, specializes in the production, import and marketing of stamps and marking solutions of all types for a variety of sectors, and provides solutions for all markets and needs, including marking and embossing devices, industrial ink supply and importation of unique sealing and embossing equipment.
Company C. Brynner and Sons Ltd. was founded in Poland in 1895. In 1938, the son of the company's founder, G. Brynner, moved its activities to Tel Aviv. In 2016, the company moved to its new offices in Petah Tikva. Today, he manages the company Avner Brynner, who is considered a world-renowned expert in the field of stamps and marking and stamping devices in the business, industrial, military, government and private markets, specializes in the production, import and marketing of stamps and marking solutions of all types for a variety of sectors, and provides solutions for all markets and needs, including marking and embossing devices, industrial ink supply and importation of unique sealing and embossing equipment.