
Exhibiting at Coex Food Week 2024

Coex Hall A, B, C, D | Seoul, Korea
20 Nov - 23 Nov, 2023

Product Offerings

Product Categories:

Meat, Poultry


Rib Meat (갈비살), Tenderloin (안심), Sirloin (등심), Chuck Flap Tail (살치살), Brisket (차돌박이)

Product Gallery:

STOCKEEPER Co., Ltd. operates the '솔직한우' (Honest Beef) brand, specializing in the distribution of high-quality Korean beef products. The company offers a variety of beef cuts, including special parts like 갈비살 (rib meat) and 안심 (tenderloin), catering to consumers seeking premium meat selections. Emphasizing transparency and quality, STOCKEEPER ensures that its products meet stringent standards to provide customers with the best beef experience.