Paramount Global, formerly known as ViacomCBS, is an American multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate headquartered in New York City. The company was formed on December 4, 2019, through the merger of CBS Corporation and Viacom. It operates across various segments, including TV Media, Direct-to-Consumer streaming services, and Filmed Entertainment. Paramount's portfolio includes brands such as CBS, Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central, BET, and streaming services like Paramount+ and Pluto TV. As of November 2024, the company employs approximately 21, 900 people worldwide. :contentReference[oaicite:0]{index=0}
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16430 Phoebe Avenue La Mirada, California 90638 United States
Paramount Global, formerly known as ViacomCBS, is an American multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate headquartered in New York City. The company was formed on December 4, 2019, through the merger of CBS Corporation and Viacom. It operates across various segments, including TV Media, Direct-to-Consumer streaming services, and Filmed Entertainment. Paramount's portfolio includes brands such as CBS, Paramount Pictures, Nickelodeon, MTV, Comedy Central, BET, and streaming services like Paramount+ and Pluto TV. As of November 2024, the company employs approximately 21, 900 people worldwide. :contentReference[oaicite:0]{index=0}