Scientific Research and Development Services, Support Activities for Mining, Pipeline Transportation Services, Technology Services
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Company Type
Scientific Research and Development Services
Support Activities for Mining
Pipeline Transportation Services
Technology Services
Product Categories
Oil and Gas Field Services
Custom Computer Programming Services
Product Items
Oil and gas field services
Custom computer programming services
Company Overview
IRTEC LLC is a company based in Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia, specializing in scientific research and development services, support activities for mining, and other pipeline transportation services. The company is involved in oil and gas field services and custom computer programming services.
Exhibitor Contact
Dolgoprudny, st. Zhukovskogo, building 8a, administration building, 2nd floor, office 1, Moscow region, Russia, 141701
IRTEC LLC is a company based in Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia, specializing in scientific research and development services, support activities for mining, and other pipeline transportation services. The company is involved in oil and gas field services and custom computer programming services.