
Exhibiting at Abu Dhabi International Food Exhibition (ADIFE) 2024

ADNEC Centre Abu Dhabi
26 Nov - 28 Nov, 2024

Product Offerings

Product Categories:

Food Additives and Ingredients, Bakery Products


Gold Powder, Gold Flakes, Gold Sparkle, Rose Gold Sparkle, Silver Sparkle, Pearl Sparkle, Red Sparkle, Pink Sparkle, Violet Sparkle, Blue Sparkle, Green Sparkle, Yellow Sparkle, Orange Sparkle, Copper Sparkle

The complete dining experience does not only depend on the savory taste of food, its mouth-watering aroma, and the series of unique textures; but also, the stunning and appetizing visuals. With the Easy® Sparkle products, food-service businesses can offer dainty products with a touch of elegance and beauty. This line enables and empowers both big entrepreneurs and start-up businesses alike to enhance their products and provide them with quality ingredients. Easy® Sparkle line, the FIRST and ONLY brand in the Philippines that offers FOOD GRADE and NON-TOXIC decorative shimmers such as glitters, flakes, and powders.