CEM Japan K.K. is a provider of advanced laboratory equipment specializing in microwave-based technologies. The company offers various analytical instruments designed for food and environmental testing, such as moisture/solids analyzers, microwave muffle furnaces, NMR fat analyzers, and automated extraction systems. These products are renowned for their speed, precision, and ease of use, eliminating the need for specialized knowledge. CEM Japan serves multiple industries, including pharmaceuticals, food processing, and chemical analysis.
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PO Box 200 Matthews, NC 28106 United States of America
CEM Japan K.K. is a provider of advanced laboratory equipment specializing in microwave-based technologies. The company offers various analytical instruments designed for food and environmental testing, such as moisture/solids analyzers, microwave muffle furnaces, NMR fat analyzers, and automated extraction systems. These products are renowned for their speed, precision, and ease of use, eliminating the need for specialized knowledge. CEM Japan serves multiple industries, including pharmaceuticals, food processing, and chemical analysis.