BeTa İlim Derneği, also known as the Brain Team Science Society, was established on July 7, 2010, by a group of postgraduate classmates dedicated to advancing scientific endeavors. The organization operates with a unique 'snail structure' inspired by the golden ratio, fostering a collaborative environment among its various committees, including the Project Board, Education and Training Board, Science Board, Technological Digital Transformation Board, R&D and UGE Board, and Metaverse Board. BeTa İlim Derneği is actively involved in organizing international conferences, such as the annual SpringConferences, and supports academic publications like JIPAT-Istanbul and ISJM-Monte journals. The society is committed to promoting interdisciplinary research, technological innovation, and sustainable development.
BeTa İlim Derneği, also known as the Brain Team Science Society, was established on July 7, 2010, by a group of postgraduate classmates dedicated to advancing scientific endeavors. The organization operates with a unique 'snail structure' inspired by the golden ratio, fostering a collaborative environment among its various committees, including the Project Board, Education and Training Board, Science Board, Technological Digital Transformation Board, R&D and UGE Board, and Metaverse Board. BeTa İlim Derneği is actively involved in organizing international conferences, such as the annual SpringConferences, and supports academic publications like JIPAT-Istanbul and ISJM-Monte journals. The society is committed to promoting interdisciplinary research, technological innovation, and sustainable development.
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