Syngenta Professional Solutions businesses offer a range of plant health solutions for professional turf managers, professional growers, professional pest managers and consumers.We are a global team, sharing our customers’ passion and creativity. Through a combination of Syngenta’s world-class science and global expertise matched with investment in new and emerging technologies, we deliver innovative solutions to protect the places where you live, work and play.At work, you demand safe and inspiring environments that help drive productivity, are sustainable and connect us to nature.Where you live and play, nothing captures your imagination more than amazing outdoor and indoor spaces that we use for our pleasure and entertainment.Our changing world demands more from these spaces and the professionals that manage them. Syngenta Professional Solutions works to help make these environments more inspiring and keep them uninterrupted by pests and diseases, sustainably.
Exhibitor Contact
Arab Pest Control Center PESCO, Naser bin Jamil St., P.O. Box 1150, Amman 11118, Jordan
Luay Abutair (Professional Solutions Business Manager - MENAF)
Company Type
Seed Companies
Fertilizers & Pesticides
Food Processing
Product Categories
Crop Protection
Agricultural Machinery and Equipment
Product Items
Vegetable Seeds
Biological Controls
Selective Herbicides
Soybean Seeds
Seed Care Products
Non-Selective Herbicides
Seed Treatments
Corn Seeds
Seed Treatment Products
Company Overview
Syngenta Professional Solutions businesses offer a range of plant health solutions for professional turf managers, professional growers, professional pest managers and consumers.We are a global team, sharing our customers’ passion and creativity. Through a combination of Syngenta’s world-class science and global expertise matched with investment in new and emerging technologies, we deliver innovative solutions to protect the places where you live, work and play.At work, you demand safe and inspiring environments that help drive productivity, are sustainable and connect us to nature.Where you live and play, nothing captures your imagination more than amazing outdoor and indoor spaces that we use for our pleasure and entertainment.Our changing world demands more from these spaces and the professionals that manage them. Syngenta Professional Solutions works to help make these environments more inspiring and keep them uninterrupted by pests and diseases, sustainably.